The Parallel Shift.
2008 BBO
Despite technological advances slowing the natural environment and society decay, the world order humans once known is dying.
The last missions to nearby stars have yielded results that is far from satisfactory.
With the ruling class and wealthy already filling the Orbmosphere Space Colonies to capacity, living in the outer rims did not help but drained the Earth further.
With the colonies still rather avoiding self-sustenance and taking the easy route of provisions from Inner Earth. The world populace starts cindering with desperation.
Under the guise of further planetary exploration, the Grand Blocs unite under the XXXX Charter. Vowing to bring together the last resources of Earth to explore, expand, exploit and when necessary exterminate for the good of Mankind.
Harnessing the last resources
The Changing World.
In the era with the ozone depleted, the sun burns brighter then ever.
Industrious countries suffered the most with concrete buildings and packed cities heating up to hellish temperatures.
Widespread environments dries and the forests burns.
Unseen till now, the night have become deadly. The Moon surface now reflects a new ray of radiation to Earth.
The Moon Dust Virus.
In remote pockets of land, A new aggressive type of skin virus appeared due to the now known radiation wave from the lunar rays. Mutating the bacteria on living organism skin. Some medicals speculated it due to prolong exposure.
- The Moon Dust Virus - starts feeding on Living organism skin tissue oxidation the skin cells to a powder and removing moisture from the host bodies. MDV becomes the highest killers, with people dying in sleep from drying to death.
Program H.O.P.E
Zachius Jimm, a radical in the scientific community sometimes called The philosopher.
- A project brainchild of Zachius Jimm. With the hope that amphibian skin research will bring the cure for The MDV.
And with the fusion of material science, the solution to the weakness of the human skin in this changing world.
- With a dual agenda of also saving the creatures of the rainforest that are drying out from the burning heat.
- Initially ridiculed at by the scientific community, but when death rates and families close by started perishing more converts started taking notice at this radical project.
- With the backing of the scientific community, Program : H.OPE was born.
- Skin Regeneration cells and fusion were successfully cloned from : ammophibia.gorfliteka
(Am mo phi bia- gorf lee tee ka)
The richest of nations, held the program results hostage. With vaccine production hindered by the dying environment.
With supplies held in reserves, the global conflict broke out.
The PROGRAM Hope creatures meant to be the saving grace of the human kind, became ironically a tool of war.
The fight for a battle or war means the life or death of the nation, soon the MIC held the reins of power